Editorial policy

The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists journal editorial policy

The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists journal serves as a platform for scientific discussions. It informs Russian and foreign audience on current modern legal issues as well as on relevant scientific discussions held on other platforms. The Journal provides a wide range of readers with the most interesting data about significant historical events that have happened and are happening in Russia. Our readers may learn various facts about law and state. The Journal regularly publishes interviews with famous experts in various fields of law and with public and state figures. Reviews of legal scientific literature are also published in the Journal.

The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists journal is published quarterly.

All materials are published in the Journal for free.

By submitting a paper to the editor, an author accepts an offer (full and unconditional acceptance).

The Journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) as well as in other Russian and international databases.

The main guidelines of the editorial policy:

The editorial board of the Journal is guided by the principles of science, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality.

The editorial board of the Journal strives to interact with professional scientific communities in order to ensure high quality of scientific publications.

The authors’ opinion published in the Journal does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the editorial board.

In order to ensure the principle of information openness, the Journal’s website provides publicly available information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, editorial board, journal description, editorial policy, rules for submitting, reviewing and publishing papers, full-text versions of all papers published in the Journal and other information in accordance with Russian and international standards for information openness of publications

The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists journal is published in accordance with the guidelines of its ethical policy. Authors, members of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief of the Journal bear appropriate ethical obligations related to the preparation of scientific publications and dissemination of research results.

The editorial board, peer reviewers and other subjects of the publication process strive to prevent unethical behavior, prevent and correct violations of the Journal’s ethical guidelines, including conflicts of the publication process subjects’ interests.

The editorial board, editorial collegium and editors of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists journal adhere to the guidelines of publication ethics accepted by the international community. They are reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All materials submitted to the editorial board for publication go through a multi-stage review process. This ensures the priority of quality rather than quantity of publications.

A positive review is not a sufficient reason for publishing a paper. The final decision on the expediency and timing of publication after reviewing are made by the editor-in-chief and if necessary – by the editorial board of the Journal. The editorial board of the Journal informs an author of the decision by sending a written reasoned response by e-mail.

All materials submitted to the editorial office for publication are pre-printed.

Materials for publication are accepted in any of three languages: Russian, English or German. If an author submits a paper to the editorial office in English or German, its text is published simultaneously in the original language of the article and in Russian.

The editorial board guarantees authors open access to published papers by placing the Journal’s materials on its website as well as in electronic libraries and depositories.

The editorial board provides an opportunity for an author to receive a printed copy of a Journal issue containing their paper within 30 days from the date of the editorial office’s notification of the Journal’s corresponding issue publication. Printed copies are not sent by mail.